Example Curriculum
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In this Free Intro, we will discuss why this learning and how we offer it
What You Will Learn in this Module
Definitions of identity and intersectionality.
Advocacy through professional power.
“Abolition is a vision of a restructured society in a world where we have everything we need: food, shelter, education, health, art, beauty, clean water, and more. Safety is a community responsibility.”
- Mariame Kaba
Featured Products
Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion
Every story deserves to be told authentically and well. In order to be actor advocates, we need to know how to be human advocates.
Learning Justice
What is transformative justice? How is it implemented on set and in the rehearsal room?
Who We Are Matters
Storytelling is a human art form, and every human deserves to have spaces, not only open to them, but accessible and inclusive for them.
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